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From Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake

  Linger now with me, thou beauty,
  On the sharp archaic shore.
Surely 'tis a wastrel's duty
  And the gods could ask no more.
If you lingerest when I linger,
  If thou tread'st the stones I tread,
Thou wilt stay my spirit's hunger
  And dispel the dreams I dread.

I have lingered in the cloisters
  Of the Northern Wing at night,
As the sky unclasped its oysters
  On the midnight pearls of light.
For the long remorsless shadows
  Chilled me with exquisit fear,
I have lingered in cold meadows
  Through a month of rain, my dear.
 Come thou, love, my own, my Only,
  Through the battlements of Groan;
Lingering becomes so lonely
  When one lingers on one's own.
  Come, my love, my sweet, my Only,
  Through the parapets of Groan.
Lingering can be very lonely
  When one lingers on one's own.

Image: Lingering

  In the dark alcoves I have lingered
  Conscious of dead dynasties.
I have lingered in blue cellars
  And in hollow trunks of trees.
Many a traveller through moonlight
  Passing by a winding stair
Or a cold and crumbling archway
  Has been shocked to see my there.

Will you come with me, and linger?
  And discourse with me of those
Secret things the mystic finger
  Points to, but will not disclose?
When I'm all alone my glory,
  Always fades, because I find
Being lonely drives the splendour
  Of my vision from my mind.
 I have longed for thee, my Only,
  Hark! the footsteps of the Groan!
Lingering is so very lonely
  When one lingers all alone.
 Come, oh come, my own! my Only!
  Through the Gormenghast of Groan.
Lingering has become so lonely
  As I linger all alone!
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